Montreal Polo Club :: Club Polo de Montréal

After generous comments from subscribers, friends and followers on my blog, I wish to thank you–when there are no comments, it seems void. So for this painting, I decided to take the time to “think” before I started drawing. So the first thing that I asked myself was: “Where is the sun?” [45 degrees of my left shoulder] and “How is it affecting the shadows?” [On the angled roof, the shadows are not direct] I then thought about the perspective…. was this a one-point, two points or three points? Thankfully it was only a two-point. Then I took the time to stay sitting in the car and absorb the scene in front of me. This took me at least 5 minutes… to absorb the scene. When I am absorbing the scene, this is when I decide of my main colour scheme… for this I decided to use Cobalt Blue for the sky and snow, Burnt Umber and Burnt Sienna for the trees and paddocks and New Gambodge for creating the greens. When I utilize the three base colours like this, it seems as though the painting is more coherent, more rounded.

This is the Montreal Polo Club on Route 201 in Ste. Marthe, very near my house. In the spring, summer and fall, we see the riders practicing the horses, going round and round. There has to be at least 30 horses that are housed there, with living conditions that are far more generous than for two thirds of the world population.


Après les commentaires généreux d’amis, de famille ainsi que d’abonnés sur mon blog, je vous remercie pour vos commentaires. Si on a pas de commentaires, on dirait qu’on publie dans le vide. Pour cette peinture, j’ai décidé de penser avant de me jeter dedans. La première question que je me suis posée est: “Où est le soleil?” et “Comment est-ce que les ombres sont-elles projetées?” Ensuite, j’ai regardé le perspective. “Est-ce un point? Deux points ou trois?” Fiou! Juste deux ;-) Ensuite, j’ai pris le temps, bien assise dans mon auto, d’absorber la scène… regarder longtemps en pensant aux couleurs que j’utiliserais. C’est à ce moment que j’ai décidé que j’utiliserais le Cobalt Bleu pour la neige et le ciel, le Burnt Sienna et Burnt Umber pour les chevaux, l’écurie et le foin et le New Gambodge pour créer les verts.

Voici le Club de Polo de Montréal à Ste-Marthe qui est très près de ma maison. Il doit y avoir au moins 30 chevaux de polo à cet endroit, qui ont une bien meilleure vie que deux-tiers de la population entière de la planète.

Paper: Fabriano Artistico, cold pressed, 140 lbs, 7-1/2″ x 11″
Watercolours: Winsor & Newton, Daniel Smith & Schminke
Colours: New Gambodge, Burnt Umber, Burnt Sienna and Cobalt Blue
Ink: Noodlers Lexington Grey
Pen: Pilot Flexigrip
Place: Montreal Polo Club in Hudson, Québec, Canada


12 thoughts on “Montreal Polo Club :: Club Polo de Montréal

      1. Its original grounds were in St. Lambert, and then they were moved to Montreal. The club formed the nucleus of the Irish Canadian Rangers during World War One. My mother’s family were amongst the founders of the club. I’m under the impression that the club is no more, although I’m not really certain.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Omg! The Mtl polo club that I am talking about is based right next door in Hudson. Larry Robinson and Steve Shutt used to practice here… Sure would like to help you but do not know if I can.


      3. And they still practice and have games on the grounds there. There is also a big show of polo every summer and it looks very royal — horses are trained on a daily basis and I pass there quite often…


  1. Jane, pour une débutante comme moi, l’explication de ton processus est important et instructif. Ce sketch est très zen!


    1. Merci Lynn :: donc pour mes prochains “posts” je vais essayer de vous faire voir comment est-ce que je pense quand je peins, en espérant vous aider! Merci pour ton bon commentaire ;-)


  2. Jane même si vous ne recevez pas toujours des commentaires, soyez certaine que vos doutes, vos questions, votre travail est suivi avec attention. Nous sommes plusieurs à nous poser les mêmes questions, à rencontrer les mêmes problèmes que vous. So Jane, have no doubt and BRAVO for the courage you have in sharing your own comments with all of us.
    Louise, Montréal


    1. Allô Louise,
      Merci pour tes bons commentaires–ça fait du bien de savoir qu’on est pas seule à tribucher et expérimenter. C’est super ;-)


  3. Yes the fence was painted with about half half of Cobalt Blue and Rose Madder Genuine… the snow had about 1/4 rmg with 3/4 cb — thank you for commenting Verla — your comments help me too ;-)


  4. I like this and the lessons that came with it. Those horses are treated royally. Was the fence painted with the same mix as the snow?


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