:: Square Phillips ::

“Aurora borealis
The icy sky at night
Paddles cut the water
In a long and hurried flight
From the white man to the fields of green
And the homeland
We’ve never seen.”
— Neil Young

We are quite lucky in Montreal to have so many beautiful landmarks, and Phillips Square is certainly one of them. There is the monument of King Edward VII, the Hudson Bay building and the beautiful Birks building, Christ Church Cathedral (neo-gothic) which is the focal point of my painting, Saint Patrick’s Basilica and many more of great beauty. A great place to sketch, even though it was freezing outside and right after I had finished my drawing I had to zip back home and continue correcting as the fall semester is coming to an end. I drove to Avenue des arts to buy some painting materials, and they were closed. Yikes! I took a picture of the Montreal Urban Sketchers group this morning as Shari was explaining to newcomers what we were about and some new info for the year 2017.

And now back to a frenzy of correcting!

Paper: Travelogue Handbook 8″x8″
Paint: Q. Gold, B. Sienna, Cerulean Blue and some Q. Rose and Phtalo Blue
Location: Square Phillips, Montreal, Quebec, Canada


:: Urban Sketchers newspaper article ::

For those of you who have not had the chance to read the article in the newspaper La Presse, here it is! Pour ceux et elles qui n’ont pas eu la chance de lire l’article dans le journal La Presse, le voici -)



: Montreal Urban Sketchers in La Presse :

My page was too white
My ink was too thin
The day wouldn’t write
What the night penciled in.
— The Book of Longing (2006)

Today there is a fabulous newspaper report in the Travel section of La Presse on the Montreal Urban Sketchers. They have showcased the works of six urban sketchers from Montreal and in La Presse+, which is free if you have an iPad, you can see more information on the International Urban Sketchers and much more. What a great honour and a thrill to see this. Thanks to our leaders in this organization, Shari & Marc -)
