Redpath Museum with USK:Mtl

     A poem
is when you have the sky in your mouth.
It is hot like fresh bread,
when you eat it,
a little is always left over.
     A poem
is when you hear
the heartbeat of a stone,
when words beat their wings.
It is a song sung in a cage.
     A poem
is words turned upside down
and suddenly!
the world is new.
— Jean-Pierre Simeón

Felt really good today to be back with the Montreal Urban Sketchers, drawing & painting & sitting with at the beautiful Redpath Museum in Montreal. I had not really painted since the Christmas holidays & I felt quite rusty… funnily. Painting or drawing is not at all like riding a bicycle. Once you have learnt to ride a bike, after a few pedal pushes, your body settles immediately in the long-ago strides, a physical memory. Drawing or painting on the other hand is a discipline, which means that you have to do it on a daily basis if you wish to progress. I remember that when I started painting, I found that the maximum amount of time that I could go without drawing (and not losing what I had gained) was 3 days… after that, the eyes were less keen on colours, the hand was less coordinated… so I knew today where I was heading & because I knew, it was fine! I had expected it & it happened.

A woman came to sit beside me while I was painting & she herself did the same thing. We painted in cordial silence, until one of us decided to ask the other their name… and lo & behold, we realized that we had been friends on Facebook for over a year, had never met, that each one enjoyed the other’s art & thus in our encounter, we found a mutual respect & liking.

Right now, as early night is upon me and the sun’s rays have disappeared, I am filled with a deep sense of gratitude that I have been acquiesced to live long enough to enjoy the moments that I have left.

Colours: Buff Titanium, Yellow Ochre, Goethite & French Ultramarine
Fountain Pen: Platinum Desk Pen EF DP1000AB
Ink: Noodlers’ Lexington Grey
Location: Redpath Museum, McGill Campus, Montreal, Québec, Canada

#OneWeek100People2017 :: Day 2 ::

Claude Debussy
“Rien de trop”: that is the artist’s motto. Instead of amalgamating the instruments for mass effects, he throws into relief their individuality or delicately grafts one timbre on to another, without anything of their true nature being spoiled. Like the Impressionist painters of those times, he paints with pure colours, with that delicate sobriety that spurns all harshness and ugliness.
— Romain Rolland

I managed to draw 20 more people directly from TV, which is not as good as drawing “live” people in real situations, which I love best, but still second-best. Probably that this is my last day of this weekly challenge as tomorrow I will be in intense correcting mode and for the rest of the week we will be moving back all of our furniture to where they belong… no more camping in the living room — yeah!

Today I found it more arduous as my head is preoccupied with the daily ins-and-outs of workers coming in and letting the doors open, banging doors banging noises in the house… I just want a bit of peace. Soon I know!

Moleskine Sketchbook 3.5″ x 5″













One Week 100 People 2017

La maison du clair de lune
Le boisé saura les protéger

    En veillant sur leur intimé
    Ici la nature est généreuse
    On oublie la ville et le rossignol  chante
L’horloge ne compte pas les heures
    Et le soleil te donne toutes ses heures
    À leur manière, les saisons
    T’ofrent es frissons
J’entends la tourterelle triste

    Certains jours ça existe…
    Par contre, la mésange
    Toute heurese bat des ailes
Le parfum des fleurs

    À l’été, donnera des couleurs
    Les maîtres de la maison
    Auront de tout nouveaux horizons.
Avec souvenirs, veillera en paix

    Arrêtant le teps si elle le pouvait
    De l’ennui, elle ne rira
    Car ici, Dame Nature allège les tracas
Et le vent, dans sa douce voix

    Laisse passer le bonheur entre ses doigts
    Et d’un duvet doux
   La brise répète cachez-vous, c’est pour vous.
–Poème de Marie Dionne, ma bien-aimée et ancienne voisine qui me manque beaucoup.

I thought that it would be fun to participate in this fun challenge. Started by Marc Taro Holmes and Liz Steel, it’s called One Week 100 People, and the goal is to draw 100 people in one week (March 6-10), as well as share your drawings using the hashtag #OneWeek100People2017.

So this challenge is to draw 20 people per day for 5 days. You can sketch “live” or in front of your TV, or from YouTube or even yourself for 100 times — sounds fun, does it not? As this week is the March Break for me, I do not have access to the unlimited number of students that I usually have… so I deciced to draw from the TV. Not ideal, but there is no alternative for now. What I noticed is that my student usually keep their coats on during class… or at least some of them do. They keep their hats on, their coats, scarves, etc. it must have something to do with our Quebec temperatures I guess…and add alot of pizzaz to a drawing! When watching TV, especially The Voice, there are no scarves, hats or coats… which is a bit more boring… tomorrow I will try to find a show that has more diversity and that is people oriented — do you know of any that I could watch?

I decided to “draw” with a fountain pen as this is my preferred medium and even though I do not have much time, the renos are still going on strong, and I have piles of student projects to correct, tonight at exactly at 9:00 pm I decided that while listening to The Voice, I would sketch out the participants… and here they are. I wonder if some of you can guess who is who? In a sense a challenge such as this one is really helpful as it forces you to draw people, which I am not a great fan! And it is making me to start “liking” drawing people… I see this day in and and day out in the classroom. Students coming into class saying that they “hate” typography or drawing… and I wonder how can you hate something when you do not know it? Try it first, and then we will see…. and I have to admit that by drawing people, it grows on you -)))










