:: Soft petal day ::

I must study politics and war so that my sons
may have the liberty to study mathematics and philosophy.
My sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy,
geography, natural history, naval architecture, navigation,
commerce, and agriculture, in order to give their children
a right to study painting, poetry, music,
architecture, statuary, tapestry, and porcelain.

— John Adams, founder, 1735

A soft, warm and dry day in Rigaud today and as I have not dabbled in watercolours for quite a while, I painted one of my iris drawings after having totally ruined another drawing that I had just done of a beautiful Ostrya virginiana leave, trunk & flower… also commonly known as a Hophornbeam or Ironwood and Bois de fer in french in Québec.


Watercolours: DS New Gamboge, DS Q. Rose, and W&N Antwerp Blue
Sketchbook: Stillman & Birn Gamma Series