First Time for Everything :: Il y a toujours une première fois, pour tout

The Urban Sketchers of Montreal gathered together for the first time at the Jean Talon Market in Montreal. It was also my first time that I sketched with this group, and it was quite invigorating, temperature-wise and crowd-wise, to say the least. I had never painted in a market and it was overwhelming as there were so many distractions, and to be able to choose your subject, let alone how many fruits to paint, was a bit daunting. But by my second sketch in the day, which I will post at a later date, I had zoomed into the subject, concentrating on certain aspects of the colourful landscape in front of me.

Dimanche à 9h30 les Sketchers urbains de Montréal se sont rencontrés pour la première fois au Marché Jean Talon de Montréal. Nous étions neuf, tous contents d’être là. Peindre seule dans une foule est difficile, mais peindre avec neuf autres personnes rend la chose “normale”, car on se dégêne assez vite. La prochaine sortie se tiendra au Carré Dorchester, à côté de la cathédrale à 9h30 le dimanche 28 octobre.