Galata Tower

The most prominent edifice in the New District of the Golden Horn in Istanbul was built by the Genoese in the 14th century. It has been used as a fire tower, a barracks, a dungeon, and even as a launch pad to test human flight -) In the Middle Ages this territory was Genoa as Italy controlled most of the Mediterranean. As Guy and I were sitting on the Galata Bridge sipping a glass of wine this afternoon, my view was constantly perusing this tower…. thus the painting. Many people came watching me paint over my shoulder and were making little sounds of praise, which was really nice. 

La tour Galata est la bâtisse la plus prominente du Nouveau District du Golden Horn à Istanbul et il a été construit par les Génois au 14e centenaire. Dans ce temps-la, les Italiens controlaient toute la Méditerranée (ou presque). Comme nous étions en train de siroter un verre de vin sur le pont Galata cet après-midi, j’ai décidé de peindre cette tour majestueuse. Beaucoup de personnes sont venues voir par-dessus mon épaule et me donner des signes d’encouragement. Une couple avaient des questions sur les instruments et sur le progrès que je faisais, donc c’était très agréable de leur répondre.

Paper: Pentalic Sketchbook // Colours: Raw Sienna, Raw Umber, Burnt Umber, Maroon Perylene and Cobalt Blue // Location: Istanbul, Turkey.  

7 thoughts on “Galata Tower

  1. Magnifique Hannah! Ca me rappelle de bons souvenirs; Istanbul, Éphèse. Au plaisir de te lire et de te revoir. Bonne fin de voyage.


  2. Very Nice, Jane. I loved Istanbul when we were there and stayed at Hotel Anemon right on the square where Galata Tower is located. The call to prayer was something that took some getting used to! I hope you enjoyed your trip!


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