Spring Cleaning :: Ménage du printemps

When I am finishing a picture I hold some God-made object up to it–a rock, a flower, the branch of a tree or my hand–as a kind of final test. If the painting stands up beside a thing man cannot make, the painting is authentic. If there’s a clash between the two, it is bad art.
— Marc Chagall

Being cheap in painting is a sure way of ruining a fine drawing. (Note to myself: please remember this one Jane!) I have been yearning to clean up my colour palette and add some new paints for quite awhile now… So as a true representative of the scottish tribe that I am–let’s say frugal–I have been trying to finish off the unused paints before cleaning up my palette… with the disastrous effect that there is a reason why I have not been using them… they are just bad colours, for me anyway. So tomorrow I will be spring cleaning my palette and start fresh. Let’s stop this frugalness… for now -)))

Étant une vraie écossaise — donc frugale — j’ai tendance à garder certaines couleurs dans ma palette, même celles qui ne m’interpellent pas — en essayant de les utiliser quand même! Donc demain je vais faire le ménage du printemps dans mes couleurs et repartir à neuf. C’est assez les niaiseries -)

Paper: Handbook Travelogue Sketchbook
Fountain Pen: Pilot Prera F
Ink: Noodlers’ Lexington Gray


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