Boy oh boy!… Sapristi!

Boy oh boy are boots hard to draw. I started over three times before getting these to work… or walk? should I say? I was planning on drawing the pair, but just starting with one for tonight is enough. As I was just finishing this drawing, my fountain pen rolled off the kitchen counter and smashed on the floor… sending black ink all over our hardwood floors. Luckily, Martha Stewart came to the rescue and with her instructions and some Rubbing Alcohol and the persistent scrubbing from my hubbie, the stains disappeared. Fiou!

Sapristi, je ne pensais pas que des bottes seraient si difficiles à dessiner… j’avais l’intention de dessiner la paire, mais j’ai arrêté après mon troisième essai. Ensuite, ma plume fontaine a  revolé parterre et toute l’encre noire s’est écoulée sur le plancher de bois franc… ayoye! Grâce à Martha Stewart et de l’alcool à friction et beaucoup d’huile à bras (de mon chum), les taches sont disparues. Fiou!


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