Marché Bonsecours dans le Vieux-Montréal

Today is our wedding anniversary so yesterday Guy and I went to Vieux-Montréal and acted as tourists… which was quite fun. We went on the Bateau-Mouche for a one hour tour of the old port, then we sat down at the Hotel Nelson which we went to quite frequently when we were young, and then we just sat in the park in the Place Jacques-Cartier. Needless to say that this is where I took out my sketching kit and started drawing… and lo and behold, three young Parisian ladies came to see me to ask me to sing the Canadian anthem! I asked them why, and they were part of a Pékin Express competition and I just could not refuse as I love that show. So I sang high and low our national anthem… could not remember half of the words, but it was fun ;-) Ensuite, nous sommes allés souper Chez l’Épicier et c’était incroyable. Sublime! Nous étions juste en avant du Marché Bonsecours… que voulez-vous que je vous dise? J’ai décidé de le peindre… drette là. J’ai fait le croquis pour ensuite le finir chez moi. Et le voici, le voilà! Une bâtisse majestueuse qui date de 1847 qui est protégée comme site patrimonial. Pouvez-vous croire qu’en 1963 il était sur  la liste de démolition? Qu’on est aveugle parfois…

  • Papier: Moleskine 100% coton
  • Plume technique: Pigma Micron 01 noir
  • Aquarelles: Winsor & Newton et Daniel Smith
  • Technique: Wet on Dry.