:: Courage ::

The struggle to save the global environment is in one way much more difficult than the struggle to vanquish Hitler, for this time the war is with ourselves. We are the enemy, just as we have only ourselves as allies.
— Al Gore

In many artistic endeavours, courage is needed. Courage to paint, even though your last painting was scrapped and that today’s might be better, or worse. Courage to play those darn musical scales for the thousandth time as you know that deep down, they are helpful. Courage to hear what other people think of your work, and keep yourself from breaking down in front of them. Courage to look at your work in a subjective manner, and be proud even amidst its faults. Courage to start writing a book, even though you have never written one before. Today I summoned a bit of courage and decided to start sketching people… I say summon courage as painting people is very intimidating for me. I am shy of painting in front of people and to show people that I am painting them well… that is even worse. So today I enlisted to Marc Taro Holmes’ “Sketching People in Motion” an online video course given at Craftsy.com. His class is well worth it and Marc has the experience needed to teach and is also a very generous person. Also at around $25 it is a fair price. Here are the three first sketches that I did this afternoon (the bottom one was the first one). Tomorrow I will be adding the colours to these sketches… can’t wait!

Pratiquer une forme d’art, peu importe laquelle, prend du courage. Courage pour commencer une nouvelle peinture quand on sait que la dernière était terrible, et que celle-ci pourrait être mieux, ou pire. Courage de pratiques les gammes de musique pour la millième fois, quand on sait que oui elles sont nécessaires. Courage pour commencer un livre, surtout quand on n’en a jamais écrit un! Courage d’entendre des personnes critiquer tes oeuvres sans perdre face et s’écrouler. Aujourd’hui j’ai décidé de faire face à une de mes hantises et j’ai décidé de peindre des personnes et pour m’aider j’ai décidé de suivre le cours de Marc Taro Holmes “Sketching People in Motion” qui en vaut la chandelle car Marc a l’expérience nécessaire et est une personnes généreuse avec son enseignement. À $25 le prix est très raisonnable aussi et voici les trois dessins que j’ai faits cet après-midi. Demain il me reste à les peindre -)

Paper: Bockingford CP 140 lbs.




2 thoughts on “:: Courage ::

  1. How do I even say this without sounding like a complete weirdo, but, TODAY I SIGNED UP FOR MARC TARO HOLMES CRAFTSY CLASS too. You must be following his blog and was as smitten as I with his last two entries. They are so free and wild and the values are so incredible. Like your art and now his… I lie in bed and wonder how some people are so adept at finding the perfect amount of pressure for their pencil or brush, or how they know the exact color necessary to make a painting pop. You turned me on to composition, and between the two of you I just might make some progress.

    I watched the first lesson, and loved how he moved his pencil around and around, like a contour drawing only more messy, and with aplomb.

    How bizarre it is that we both signed up, today! Today!!!! Curiouser and curiouser….

    Oh, and those sketches up there – not loose enough for him. Loose enough for me though.


    1. Well that is so coool Patsye! This just means thst we are on the same wavelength -))) yes his gestures are sooo free and this us what I am striving for!


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