Washes :: Lavis

Our social relationships are limited, most of the time, to gossip and criticizing people’s behaviour. This observation slowly pushed me to isolate from the so-called social life. My days pass by in solitude.
Ingmar Bergman

What caught my eye today was this gorgeous tortuous tree trunk and I knew that I wanted to paint it. However this entailed that I had to paint the background too, and I kept telling myself “Why did I choose to paint this? This is way too complicated!” But slowly and surely, I managed to finish it after a full two hours of painting, which I am not used to painting for that length of time. I am happy with the result though and between the drawing in pencil/ink and the actual putting down of paints, I had to take a break and think about how I would paint this. So I actually started with a light New Gambodge wash all over the painting (except for the tree and the left facing windows) and then thinking about Joseph Zbukvic’s recipe of Tea+Coffee+Milk+Cream+Butter. The first wash represents the tea, then a thicker paint is represented by Milk and the final touches are done with a texture of cream and butter densities. This permits to build layers of watercolours one on top of the other.

I wanted to compare the iPhone results to a real scanner and this is why there are two paintings for this post. The top one is with the scanner and the bottom one is with the iPhone and I am pleasantly surprised with the iPhone. This is good news for travelling to Turkey this summer.

En me promenant sur la rue Sherbrooke à Montréal aujourd’hui, cet arbre s’est révélé à moi en me criant: “Peins-moi, peins-moi!” Il avait bien raison car il était exquis… par contre, il fallait bien que je peigne aussi l’arrière-plan! J’ai commencé avec un lavis de New Gambodge sur toute la toile sauf pour l’arbre et les fenêtres. Ensuite j’ai utilisé la recette de Joseph Zbukvic qui est d’utiliser les densités de Thé+Café+Lait+Crème+Crème+Beurre pour ajouter les étages de peinture et finir avec le beurre à la toute fin. 

Paper: Handbook Travelogue
Colours: New Gambodge, Raw Sienna, Burnt Umber, Alizarin Crimson & Cobalt Blue
Fountain Pen: Platinum Desk Pen EF DP1000AB
Ink: Noodlers’ Lexington Grey
Location: Sherbrooke Street West, Montreal, Québec, Canada



2 thoughts on “Washes :: Lavis

  1. De la façon que c’est expliqué, Jane, on se croirait à un cinq à sept avec boissons et desserts cochons. On en mangerait et en reprendrait encore et plus, Tout comme pour tes peintures. Bravo encore et toujours.


    1. Hah! Que tu es drôle… j’aime bien l’idée du 5 à 7! Une autre personne a mentionné que c’était comme le dessert — quoi, on a tous un peu faim? Bon souper et merci -)))


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