Some Days You Get It… and Some Days You Don’t…

There are days that things just happen… and today was one of those days. First of all, I had no itinerary, so that is great! I could just do what life throws at me… I thought of being nonchalant, reading, perusing and drawing. Well no way could this happen! I will not go into the details of my day, but to say the least, it was busy. BUT, my Masters degree is being printed right at this moment…. drum roll ;-)

So here is a very unwatercolour painting… my composition is too wide, the focus of my attention was the horse buggy, but realized too late that I had already drawn the stack of manure behind….. so I feverishly tried to conceal it, by putting in too much ink. Ohhhh well, just one of those days.

Comme vous pouvez voir, aujourd’hui n’était pas ma meilleure journée, pour pleins de raisons… juste pour vous dire que ma maîtrise est en train de se faire imprimer — en ce moment! Yeah!

En peinture, le point focal est important et dans cette peinture c’était le buggy à cheval, mais j’ai dessiné le tas de composte en-arrière en oubliant que le buggy devait aller en avant… donc il y avait tous ces traits. Pas de problème, je prends ma plume fontaine et aweye! on y va avec! et le désastre est ultime car c’est une non-aquarelle que j’ai peint. Hah les belles journées d’été ;-)

3 thoughts on “Some Days You Get It… and Some Days You Don’t…

  1. Hi May, thank you…. God it took such a long time, but now it is out of my hands, and in Bureau en Gros’ LOL ;-))) Today we are going in Vieux-Montreal to celebrate our 30th anniversary as a couple and a bit of the Masters.


  2. Congratulations, Jane on your Master! WooHoo! I know how much work it was for you to do this.


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